Sunday, July 12, 2009

World of Warcraft Game

How many of you play games? Do you like the game World of Warcraft? I have heard many people talk about this game. Many enjoy the game of MMORPG. I have only visited the game and found it to be very interesting. I'm not the greatest when it comes to these types of games online but I like to dabble a little bit for fun and when I want to relax and laugh some.

I found this website that will teach you how to earn gold in WOW. It is from a guy who loves the game and has been playing for many years. He teaches the most basic steps and concepts to earn you lots of gold in the game. His secrets are in the information Warcraft Millionaire.

You should check it out if you love the game and want to earn large sums of gold.

Click here to learn the secrets

Saturday, February 28, 2009

TV Show 1000 Ways To Die Watch it Now!

Now this is a very interesting television show. It shows different ways people can die. These people died in ways I could never imagine. They don't show these deaths in chronological order they just seem to get around to various numbers. The strangest that I had seen so far was a lady with a carrot. I don't know what would make a woman want to be intimate with a vegetable like a carrot and end up dead from cutting herself with it. There was one story that caught my eye it was the man digging a hole and had sand dropped into the hole on him and did not cover his face. But it steal suffocated him by crushing his lungs with every breath he took. I'd never knew that that too was possible. If you are not grossed out by horror or death then you may also be interested in this show. There are just some wild ways to die. I would never want to experience what the people have gone through. I would like to just die in a normal peaceful way. They can keep all the weird and wild deaths for themselves. Anyone interested just check out the show its will blow your mind. You might want to watch it on your pc since you are reading my blog here, so you cou could possible need software to do that. Check out the link for TV on your pc. Until next time... Chat with you later....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just testing my new way of posting and keeping you all updated on the goings on(slang) in my world of thoughts. Mobile blogging. More to come...

Relationships, Marriage and the Works

Sometimes I wonder, What is really going on in some peoples minds. When your in a relationship or marriage and claim to really love the person your with and marry him/her, how can you do some of the things you do to hurt the person your so in love with? How can you cheat on them the entire time you've been together including the marriage and constantly take advantage of them, dragging them down and still say you love them? Everything seems to be about you. In a married relationship how long should a spouse deal??? This is currently my situation. Most people that know me and know what I've been through would say it has been past time to leave. But those on a religious basis might say work it out with God.

In my blogging I am going to talk about things I have gone through in my marriage. I want to share with other couples or women what I have gone through because I want them to know they are not alone. Marriages have problems and it is hard to go through them alone. I am not a marriage counselor but I have been married for 8 years now and I have experienced a lot. I will get into the juicy details later. I know you want to hear all about them. My point of views will be coming as a child of God living day to day with my husband and how I make it through and can still hold my head up and smile.

I'll start from the beginning, relationships and marriage are hard work....